Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Our new adventure!

On March 1st our family joined up with the Monavie company at
We've been around MLM's for 20 years, but OMG is this different! In the very first week, we're making hundreds of dollars, it's easy, and we haven't sold a single bottle. It's just $39 to join, and you drink healthy juice made from a blend of 19 fruits, leading the way with the acai berry - the number 1 free-radical warrior, the most powerful antioxidant food source known to man.

We get healthy, the company lets us join in for next to nothing, and no one recommends we go to lots of meetings or sell stuff. Making money was never this easy or this much fun.

Anyone that knows us, especially Tim, knows that we make every decision with logic, not emotional hype. If you know us, you also know we don't waste money and always look for the best deal. Trust me when I say, you can do this too.

They pay weekly, their only a binary (2 legged) system, so everyone grows fast, and everyone gets to benefit from not only their own work, but that of others as well.

A big plus is that the company runs the M.O.R.E. Foundation, which is a non-profit foundation to build orphanages in the slums of Brazil. They currently feed, clothe and educate 800 kids daily in a land filled with daily murders and streets run by drug lords.

Check out their site, watch their videos on the acai berry product and the compensation plan. It just may be the answer you were looking for in an unexpected source.