Before I Turn 40 ListHere's what I have so far:
1. Build a successful Monavie business to the level of Diamond (or above). This will allow for the other things on the list.
2. Pay off all credit card debt, the minivan, and get Tim a new bike.
3. Donate money to the Africa Hope Center, the M.O.R.E. Foundation, e3 Ministries through donating to our friends the Berrymans and their children, the Brooks'.
4. Take the kids to the Grand Canyon.
5. Visit my Grandmother in Boston.
6. Drop 30 pounds.
7. Go on a family cruise at Christmas.
8. Move into our new house.
9. Plant a garden.
10. Help 6 people in one year to become self-funding, financially free. We've already hand-picked 4, have an idea for the 5th, and the 6th, I don't think we've even met yet.
So, the clock starts ticking today - one year to make all this happen.