Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Monday, July 18, 2016

End of Week 5

     The scale is moving of this morning, I'm down a full 14 pounds! The NSV (non-scale victories) are adding up:  2 pairs of shorts I don't have to unzip/unbutton to put on & take off - they're THAT loose! Also, I've been going through my closet and found I already can get back into about half a dozen items I wouldn't wear for the last 6 - 12 months. The bloating was the worst! An item would fit, but there was this bulge I didn't like, so I retired that item. Now that I'm avoiding regular gluten and sugar (although I'm still eating THM cakes, muffins, cookies, candies, shakes, etc), it seems to have almost completely vanished in those half dozen things I tried on. What's better than new clothes? Fitting into every single thing in your closet and getting use out of what you ALREADY spent money on. I'll be so excited to get into the next 6 because I'm almost back into some of my favorites.  I hoped THM would work where no other plans would, but I'm shocked how well it seems to be working. Almost 3 pounds a week on average - that's phenomenal for me!

     What good recipes did I have during week 5?  Trim MacSalad, Iced Samoa Swirl Coffee, Open faced mozzarella & turkey toast/melt (2 slices per recipe), Sweet & Spicy Stir Fry, Strawberry Big Boy shake, Pancakes with syrupWaldorf Cottage Salad, the Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole was AMAZING, and I invented a quick, 5 minute "S" meal by combining chopped turkey ham, mayo, yellow mustard, a little shredded mozzarella, then just threw in salt, pepper, paprika, and onion powder. Mixed it together and it was so good! Served with non starchy veggies like green beans or broccoli, it's perfect.

     What do I look forward to in Week 6? Root Beer Float, Bean Boss Soup, Fish & Green Chips (the chips are baked, seasoned, crispy green beans), Pudding, and maybe a candy recipe or two to take to the baseball park this week. A small group of friends are getting together Friday night for dinner, so we chose a healthy restaurant called "Sweet Tomatoes". It's a salad bar, soup, fresh, healthy ingredient type of place. They also have baked potatoes, pastas, mac & cheese, and ice cream. I may have a few Crossovers (when you have too many carbs & fats in the same sitting - but healthy foods, not junk food). It's just one meal, and I'll do my best to stay on plan, and I already eat much smaller portions than I used to, so I'm not worried. At the same time, I will enjoy myself, not feel deprived, and 3 hours later (or by breakfast) I'll be back on schedule again.

     Still the best eating plan for LIFE ever! Have a great week!