Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Friday, June 29, 2018

Living Simply: Question 13

If you're new here, welcome to my summer series of thought-provoking questions to find the life you want, and how to start living it. Feel free to browse through the past dozen questions.

Question #13 is this:

What moves you to tears or what gives you goosebumps (or chill 
bumps, or whatever you call it when you get chills and your skin on your arms gets all bumpy.)? 

What really gets through to your soul?

Is it patriotic music or events and you feel proud of your nation? Maybe helping veterans after they come home is an important cause for you to be involved in locally.

Perhaps its seeing a miracle of sorts, when someone without sight or hearing gets to see or see colors or hear for the first time. If those Facebook videos make you cry, maybe helping others achieve new heights is for you - or working with people with disabilities? Click on this link to see a YouTube video describing exactly what I'm talking about:   (If this doesn't make you cry tears of joy...)

Do you find yourself drawn to tears over the situation of abused animals? neglected or hungry children? a woman trying to communicate as she realizes her husband is slipping into a deeper stage of Alzheimer's? I witnessed this first hand in the doctor's waiting room a few weeks ago. The poor woman was in tears every time her husband spoke and she realized how confused he was over simple things - he didn't know what her purse was - where he was - or why. She broke down repeatedly during just my few minutes before being called into the back.

Maybe it's seeing widows trying to deal with the death of their spouse? Have you ever been around someone as soon as that happens? After the funeral is over, after the friends and relatives have gone back to their lives, after the flowers have faded, and she realizes it's just her from now on...that's heartbreaking.

Whatever it is, find something worth putting in your time, worth fighting for, something that can change someone's world for the better, even if it's only by an anonymous donation or a few hours volunteered in the right place. 

Don't just take up space in this world. Make it better. 

Monday, June 25, 2018

Living Simply: Question 12

When speaking with people about the type of life they want, sometimes the idea is just too vague for them to answer. One thing that helps is to ask them, "Who's your hero?" or "Who do you admire?" or "Who's lifestyle would you want to trade for, but not just some millionaire, someone who's living every day the way you would like to live?" Then it becomes a little clearer, and defining the perfect life becomes a bit easier.

So now I ask you, "Who's your hero?" These are a few of the typical answers I get depending who I talk to:

1. A famous person because they can travel when and where they want and choose what jobs they take or turn down.

2. An athlete because some people just want to be spending their life in a healthy body that's physically able to do things they would enjoy, like hiking, swimming, marathons, rock climbing, etc.

3. Mother Theresa is one I hear a lot in my Christian circles because they want to have the freedom from a job to devote their lives to helping others in need, especially in the poorest areas of the world.
This is not something exclusive to Christians at all; anyone can be kind-hearted and volunteer.

4. A philanthropist because yes, they have loads of money, but to be able to wake up every day asking yourself, "Who needs the most help today?" to improve their community, or health, or some other important area of life - that would make life very rewarding, indeed.

5. Many say they want to be like their mother/father/grandparent or someone in their family who went through a lot, overcame it, and became a mentor in the family. They would like the chance to be that person in their family for future generations.

6. A ___(pick a profession)___ to help others. Maybe you want to be a doctor who helps those in need, or a psychologist who can instruct and encourage others to climb over the obstacles of their past to reach the life they never knew they could achieve. Whatever the profession, maybe that's where you can find inspiration.

7. Some tell me if they had the money and no job constraints, they would serve in either their church, their community, the government, or some other position that would give them the authority to stop harmful practices and lead others to a fulfilling life of giving back to others.

Whomever you choose as your hero or heroes, figure out why you admire them, and figure out how you can become like them. What would it take? What sacrifices would be worth making? Then take intentional baby steps in that direction to find the life you always wanted. Peace be the journey.