Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Monday, June 20, 2011

A Whole New Week Lies Ahead

Life has just recently gotten exciting for the first time in a few years. Here's all I'm working on:

1. Making lemon & lime curd (and scone samples to try it) to sell at my local Farmer's Market, and I'm making $20 - $50/week when it's slow.

2. I'm designing facebook business pages, twitter accounts, and blogs for my family's and friends' businesses. I'm self-taught, so it's pretty exciting.

3. I'm in the process of trying to launch a tutoring center this fall. Not sure exactly how I'll get customers, but I'm doing a lot to get the word out.

4. Tim & his father are growing their mobile media company LMT. I'm not actually in the sales or management of it, but I'm supporting them with my social media help, and acting as Tim's personal assistant as needed - and I really enjoy that.

5. My faith is on the grow, and so is my middle child's, that makes everything better.

6. I'm trying to get back to writing a bible study on the book of Genesis.

7. I'm making new friends at church all the time, and will soon be in one, if not 2 bible studies. I may be teaching one of them too!

8. Jordan & Logan are going to camp in just a few weeks, so lots to do to earn the money for that and make sure they're prepared.

9. I'm tutoring Jordan in Spelling, Handwriting and Math this summer.

10. I'm hoping that some of my friends from the valley will come up for a few days this summer.

Can't wait to report the results of this week, hopefully making lots of these come together!