Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Friday, January 22, 2010

One Word for 2010

I heard a couple of DJ's on the radio this morning talking about a new idea for 2010...instead of coming up with a long list of Resolutions we don't believe we can really accomplish, how about just coming up with one word to use as a filter for everything you do this year instead?

Here's some examples:

LOVE - everything I do, I will do in love. I'll make time for those I care about. If I can't do something in a loving way, or if it'll make me resentful, then I should say no to it.

EFFICIENT - I will spend time, my day, my money, my emotions. I will only do things that are efficient. I won't waste resources, especially my time, unless it makes things better or easier in the future.

BRAVE - I will try new things, stop being afraid of what "might happen". I'll be willing to believe I can do something without fear of failure.

See what I mean? Give it some thought. What will be YOUR word for 2010?