It's been almost 6 years since we moved here from the cold winters of New England and I appreciate it here more and more every year. This winter seemed to be especially hard on my friends and family back east this year. It seemed like they had snow almost non-stop, every week, for months! This is March - Spring! Snow season should be over, shouldn't it?
I appreciate the beautiful sunsets we get during winter and early spring (from all the moisture in the air), wearing short-sleeves and sitting in the sun throughout the winter, taking walks in January without a coat, good road conditions, and maybe even wearing shorts a few times before March ends.
I'm thankful every day that I'm not waking up to the sound of the snowplows scraping the ground at 5am anymore. I'm thankful I'm not sitting in my car waiting for it to warm up while my spine shakes so hard it hurts. I'm thankful that I'm not soaked to the bone shoveling the ice pack from the bottom of the driveway the city plow caused. I'm thankful for not having to shovel out the mailbox just to get bills!
I know snow is pretty - and if you have time and money, a snowmobile or even sledding can be a treat - but really...snow is something I'd rather visit, or see off in the distance on the mountain tops of Payson. I appreciate every day I live here, but especially in the winter and early spring.
What are you thankful for this season?
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