Another Thanksgiving alone, just our family. We tried inviting people over but they all had plans. Usually we get to spend it with my in-laws, but this year it just didn't happen. They had to be up north, and we needed to be here to work Wed. & Fri.
We had a turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole with those fried onions, corn, and garlic-cheddar biscuits. For dessert we had homemade apple pie, double layer pumpkin pie and eggnog - yes, I make my own eggnog, too.
I guess it worked out for the best - Jordan got some kind of mild sickness Wed. afternoon and it's good we didn't need to be anywhere. She spent most of the past 2 days on the sofa. Logan got to see some friends while they were off from school, and Adam did what he enjoys the most...playing RockBand on his Xbox.
Tim took a nap, spent time surfing the web, etc.
I got almost 100 pages read in my new library book...that makes it a good day, right?
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