Christmas turned out pretty good this year. We definitely didn't do anything in excess! We all started December thinking that we'd have no gifts for the kids, none for each other, and none for the adults to exchange. Somehow, God managed to provide enough money and creativity and talent to make it a good Christmas.
Adam got money from his 2 aunts, and a 3 month subscription to Xbox live (his only way of talking to friends long-distance during the day). His was about to expire in 4 days so this was good timing. I got him Axe body stuff and hair stuff. Those are his favorites. Tim's parents got him all kinds of edible goodies - also good for a boy struggling to hang onto 120 pounds on a 6'1" body!
Logan got the pair of jeans, ping pong paddle and new bass guitar strings. That's everything he asked for. Tim's father also got him all kinds of cowboy gear: spurs, chaps, and a vest. You should see him when they go riding together in the afternoons. I hear Logan's doing so well, he's actually making Dynamite a better horse. Tim's mother crocheted Logan a hat & scarf set in his favorite colors, black & blue with white trim - he loves them!
Jordan got the Webkinz toys she wanted, a replacement pink set of headphones for her broken ones, and thanks to Debbie, a new, pretty tea cup, and her favorite Vanilla Mint tea.
Tim got sweaters from his parents and I got him a larger, flat spatula like he wanted to use on the griddle side of our industrial kitchen stove.
I got a crocheted pillow in black & pink from Tim's mom, and he surprised me with a silver Monavie bracelet. I also got a diffuser, some Christmas socks and a couple of (baking) edible gift sets.
I got Tim's mother a pretty, delicate tea cup and some decaf vanilla black tea. Tim's father likes work gloves and to make soup. I got him leather gloves to replace a pair with holes in it, and a Soup Bible cookbook. Now he can make soups using stuff from the garden as different vegetables become available.
All in all, it was a good Christmas. We ate together, did gifts together, then Tim and I spent most of the day just being together, playing cribbage, watching Law & Order episodes (on DVD, no TV to the house), and playing Zuma Blitz on Facebook.
It was hard work, I walked 20 miles in 3 days and lost 6 pounds while waitressing for Debbie the weekend before Xmas, but it was enough, and I'm very thankful she gave me the opportunity, or the kids would've gotten absolutely nothing from us.
God is good, I'm blessed with good friends, and I love my family. That's all that matters.
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