Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Added Value: Thoughts/Prayers for Florida


     As I wrote yesterday, having so many family members in Florida makes it difficult to focus on much else. I have my mother, 2 siblings, aunts, uncle, and cousins there. My contribution to adding value today is simply this, here are some things to pray for them - if you don't pray, would you please either take a moment of silence for them, or send out these as good thoughts out to the universe, or however you are willing to participate? They need all the help they can get to get through Hurricane Irma - and Hurricane Jose is right behind it.

Before the Hurricane hits:

1.     I ask for safety for all those in Florida. May the storm die faster than expected, the winds reduce from what was projected, and may there be less devastation than anticipated. May the hurricane's path turn to a less devastating one. I ask the people to be safe wherever they have to weather this storm. If there's flooding, may it be either less than planned or else have it recede faster than expected. Allow safe travels for those trying to get out of its path, and may people unite to help one another as needs arise.

During the storm:

2.      I ask that the storm would move in a path that minimizes the damages and risk to the most people. I ask that people's homes and shelters would withstand the winds & rain. May the waters not rise too high that people are stranded or in danger. May the residents' supplies last as long as they need them to. Bring help to those who will need it. Special protection for those who are handicapped, special needs, or battling illnesses that put them in a weakened state to begin with. Bring everyone through this safely.

After the storm:

3.     I ask for help and rescue to arrive as soon as possible for those who need it most. May everyone be able to carry on normally as soon as possible after the storm passes. May waters recede and power be restored well ahead of predicted times. Keep those who've been damaged or injured be restored to health or at least not get worse from here on in. A special blessing for those who have nowhere to go, may they find safe refuge and the help they need to start again.

     If you took a few minutes to go through these, thank you. Please try to remember to revisit these as we get through the weekend. It does no harm to ask, but it could possibly mean a huge difference.

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