Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Living Simply October Challenge: Day 18 Local

     This holiday season, regardless of what holiday or holidays you'll be celebrating, what about enjoying the LOCAL events? Many communities offer celebrations, parades, sales, ceremonies, services, and events during this time of year. Why not look to see if you can find something locally that you can bring friends or family to so they can learn something new and have fun in the process?

     If your holiday has a customary gift exchange, then try shopping LOCAL this year. Try all the little local places like book stores, thrift and gift stores, gift certificates for the non-franchised family restaurants, diners, and coffee shops. Help keep the money in your own community as well as keeping those local businesses (and their families) in business.

     Most communities have some type of church, temple, city building, or specific community center (like a Jewish Community Center/JCC) that has holiday events that are open to anyone - often for free or a small donation. Why not take in another culture for an evening? There's usually music, some type of performance, display, or event to share what others' celebrate. Sometimes there's even food to try that's special to that holiday - there's so much you can learn.

  There's almost always stuff for the kids to do
locally too! There's usually a bunch of ballets, symphonies, plays, and other things put on by either local groups, especially local groups of children that have been rehearsing for months. Even public, private, and charter schools put on holiday events for the public, often for free. Why not support your neighbors and their children this holiday season? Simply call the schools, or email them and just ask if and what they have going on in December.

 So I guess today's challenge is to find some local things to do and support - and to challenge yourself to take in one new cultural event this holiday season.

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