Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Living Simply October Challenge: Day 26 One Another

     The holiday season is supposed to be a time when we think of others, we're kind to one another. So what does that look like? Today we'll talk about ways to be kind to one another and today's challenge is to start TODAY. Make a real effort to make others' day a little brighter.

1.  Perspective - Just as you see things from your own point of view, through the lens of your own experiences, understand that others have their own points of view and experiences as well. When there's some type of misunderstanding, tense communication, or argument, remember to stop first, understand their perspective, then proceed in a way that can mutually benefit both of you.

2.  Affirmation - People often don't get the recognition they deserve. Sure the top sales guy gets his face framed on a wall, or the boss gets special parking, but what about the average person? What about the single Mom working to support her family on her own? What about the student struggling to maintain good grades while trying to work a job at the same time? What about the neighbor that does nice things for people yet never gets recognition for it? How about your family member or friend that's always there for people but gets forgotten by others who are "too busy" to reciprocate? Take time today to say Thank You to those people. It doesn't cost you anything and it'll make their day.

3.  Compliment - Find a reason to genuinely compliment someone today - even a stranger. It takes nothing to walk by a woman and say, "Nice dress" or to walk by a guy at work or on his job and say, "Great job" or even just, "Thanks for your help."

4.  Help - Every day you pass by people that need help. It may be someone down on their luck who needs a meal or water bottle, an acquaintance moving this weekend who needs an extra set of hands, a person with hands full that could use help opening a door, it's the little unexpected nice surprises that make people's day.

5.  Serve - How can you serve someone today? Can you bring a cup of coffee or a meal to someone you live with? Bring soup to someone who's sick? Take notes or share yours for the student who missed class? Volunteer somewhere? Fill a need when you see it? Most of these involve help that's free - all it takes is willingness to be kind, and maybe a little time.

Find a way today to be kind to one another - I challenge you.

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