Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Living Simply: Listening

     Listening is a lost art. People today are so busy trying to make themselves and their opinions heard, often resorting to irrational, self-centered, and even violent ways of doing it. What the world really needs is for people to become better at listening - no, I mean REALLY listening. When was the last time you were going through a rough time and truly felt like someone listened, showed empathy, and understood what you were trying to say? Without trying to fix the problem? Without getting into the one-upping game saying things like, "Oh yeah, well let me tell you how bad I have it"? When did you really feel like you could let it all out, without judgement, without looking for advice, and the other person was simply "there for you"? It's truly is a lost art.

     We live in a hurting world. People need each other now more than ever, yet the divisiveness seems to grow by leaps and bounds as time goes on. People find a million reasons to divide themselves from others into their own "group", but in the end, we're all the same, we're all people, ones who hurt, need to feel important now and then, want to know someone cares about them. Part of living an intentional life involves the responsibility of helping others. It's time those of us who are not self-centered to stand up, and be there for others who need us. Maybe it's the coworker, a neighbor, a friend, a relative, a child, mom, dad, spouse, significant other, maybe it's the stranger put across your path today because you're the only one who "sees" them and is willing to be there today.

     We spoke about selfishness on Sunday. Now it's time to act out that self-less-ness. Take a minute, look around, who needs you? More often than not, helping others takes your mind off your own problems, at least for a while, and can turn someone else's day completely around. Today, you be the difference in your world.

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