What is the kindest thing someone has ever done for you?
Wow. Let's really think about this one. Many of us have friends that are kind to us regularly, but what really stands out? Is it something unexpected? Something you couldn't pay back?
What is it that you remember someone doing for you that really struck you as kind? What made you stop and think, "They really didn't have to go out of their way to do that, but they did." Today I want you to think about the people who have done things for you. Here are some memory joggers:
* Spoke up at work to help you get your job
* Gave you a ride in an emergency
* Went out of their way to tell you how much you or your friendship means to them
* Gave you a sincere compliment. Not flattery, but found a specific thing you're good at and
told you about it
* Gave you a place to stay during a time when you had no where else to go
* Allowed you to borrow money ONE TIME when things beyond your control got out of hand
* Did something nice for your kids or family when you had no way to do it for yourself
* Helped you through a rough time, whether at work, with relationships, or when you were down
* Told you the truth, knowing you didn't want to hear it, but it helped you see things for what they
really are and move forward in a better way
* Helped you with groceries, Held a door open when your hands were full, or like the picture shows,
shared an umbrella with you on a rainy day
* Sent you a well-timed letter, card, or text when you needed to hear/read it.
All of these things are wonderful gifts to give to another - and most of them are free. What if today you made someone's day? Not only would that make you feel good, but it could change the life of someone else! Never underestimate how far something simple can go for someone else.
Let me wrap up with a quick story. I'll try to keep it brief, just bear in mind it was before we had ever heard of minimalism and living a simple life. We were typical Americans, struggling at the beginning of an economic downturn.
One time we were beyond broke and the kids were still fairly young. It was about 2 days before Christmas and we had nothing to give our kids since we would probably even fall a bit short on paying our mortgage for the first time ever. Suddenly there was a knock on our door. I opened it to see who it was and no one was there, but they left 2 wrapped gifts and 2 envelopes with our family's name on them. I ran outside to see who could've left them but no one was around anywhere. I brought them inside wondering who could've been so kind to our family when my husband came in less than a minute later. He too saw no one around. When I told him what had just happened, he looked at me in disbelief and said, "You won't believe this, come out to the car with me," Two wonderfully kind ladies at work knew our circumstances (but not because my husband had tried to find pity). They had surprised him by filling our trunk with 3 kinds of every sport ball (we had three kids), games, toys, and a few envelopes. We couldn't believe it! Our kids would have a wonderful Christmas anyway, in spite of our circumstances! When we opened the envelopes of both sets of gifts, some held gift cards for WalMart and Target, others for our local grocery store to buy Christmas dinner. Another held $500 from our mysterious door knocker! It was going to be the worst Christmas ever, but turned out to be the kids' best ever! To this day I wonder who left the first set of gifts, and wonder if any of those involved remember just how big their giving was to a desperate family.
Make it a great weekend.
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