Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Living Simply challenge Day 21: Comfort Zones

     Today's challenge is on comfort zones, which is perfect, because today, I am terrified. I'm heading back to college decades after graduating high school. I have kids older than many of the students that will be in my class. I won't look, dress, or talk like they do. I'm slower with technology since they were born with cell phones in their hands. Back in the day, you wrote or typed your homework, brought in a copy, and used actual books to write papers. Now it's all digital files, multiple software programs to get and turn in assignments, and most of the writing is based on online articles instead of physical books. Yeah, I'm dealing with a lot of anxiety here. This is definitely NOT my comfort zone.

     What exactly is a "comfort zone"? It's the way you go through life when you aren't stretching, maturing, trying new things, learning new things, nor growing. It's where you feel at ease, not stressed. It's completely different for everyone. For some, jogging a marathon is a comfort zone because they train and look forward to it. For others, having the same routine day in and day out gives them comfort. Still others have a comfort zone that includes trying new things (picture adrenaline junkies who are perfectly fine with cliff diving off a cliff on the coast of a foreign country). Many people's comfort zones include how their home life is - noisy, very quiet, always people dropping by, never having people over, etc. It also includes school and/or work for most people. Doing their job is a comfort zone because they know what's expected of them and what to expect in return (their paycheck). Unfortunately, there are also bad comfort zones, like a battered woman who won't leave the relationship because it's scarier to think about how to get by alone than with a "known quantity" that she's gotten used to. Other bad comfort zones may include being stuck in alcoholism or drug use, where you choose to surround yourself with people also spiraling downward in many ways, but it's "comfortable" - and it would be stressful to imagine getting cleaned up, doing without the drinks or drugs, and trying to mix with what you've termed as "normal people".
Your comfort zone is whatever you've made it to be - but know this:


(And being a minimalist or living simply doesn't mean you simply accept your fate in a comfort zone that keeps you from living the life you've always wanted.)

     So how do you expand your comfort zone to begin living simply, intentionally creating the life you want to have? Baby steps. Want to meet new people, take a local class to learn a new skill set, maybe through a school, a library, an arts & crafts store, or a business - like a cooking class. How about changing jobs? Take baby steps towards gathering information in the field you're interested in. Want to get in shape but taking a full on Zumba or yoga class is intimidating? Find online videos for free you can download/watch in private until you're comfortable with the moves. Thought of writing a book? Take a writing class, sit down to write something every day, and gather info about freelance writing of small articles or blogs for a media outlet. 

     The only way to live a simple life is to purposefully do things that will bring you joy and to change or get rid of obstacles that stop you. Intentionally move in the direction you want to go and little by little, you'll build the simple life you want, fulfilling your purpose and chasing your passions. Don't let fear stop you. Take one step at a time until you've stretched your comfort zone into including your new pursuits. You got this! 

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