Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Getting Back to Normal

The tree is down and put away, along with the lights, ornaments, and knick-knacks. The Christmas Dinner leftovers are just about gone. The relatives have gone back home. The Christmas cards are down, the photos from friends and family are in a pile to be scrapbooked.

I eagerly await the first of the new year - every year. I set goals for what to accomplish, how many books I'll read, you know how it is. And this year, I look forward to bringing in the new year full of hope, plans of changes for us.

Tim and I are praying and hoping we'll be in a position to buy a home we want, for half the asking price. In it, the kids get their own room, we'd have a grassy back yard, walled for privacy and safety, and a floor plan condusive to teaching not only my kids, but tutoring others as well. I'll be able to help single Moms who wish they could have their kids homeschooled. I'll be able to help families that homeschooled but Mom needs to work now. I'll be able to help teach students who's parents don't have the confidence, time or ability to teach a high schooler. It's a win-win situation.

We also will be continuing our study of Spiritual Gifts with our small group friends, "Urban Tribe".

Tim wants to change jobs but until the house thing is either a yes or a no, we can't really do anything. Not sure what he wants to do, but he's exploring all types of avenues.

I'll be starting a new Bible Study on Tuesday mornings. We'll be studying Stepping Up by Beth Moore. I'll also be supporting my boys in drama and running my daughter to soccer practices and games.

Adam will be starting up his second session with his Small Group Bible Study. He meets with other teen boys his age and a mentor who facilitates the study. He also will be in The Music Man this spring. They perform the weekend of April 24th.

Logan also will be in The Music Man, hoping for a lead. I wonder if he remembers he can't sing well yet?

Jordan is done dance until she qualifies for the next level at age 12. She's switching to sports rather than repeat level 1 or 2 dance classes for the next few years. She'll try soccer in March.
We've been cooking a lot together lately. She has a scrapbook cookbook we started on her last birthday. She cooks something, and we take 2 pictures. One of the finished product, and one of her cooking it. We include the recipe. When she's older and on her own, she'll have a book full of memories as well as a cookbook full of recipes she's already tried to make.

Our cat is still fat and lazy. When we move, she'll be an outdoor cat once again. Maybe that'll help?