Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Living Simply: Question 14

Here in America, it's the 4th of July. It's the day we celebrate our freedom to become our own country and free of Britain's tyrannical king. So for America, Happy Independence Day! For everyone else around the world, Happy Wednesday!

Today's our 14th question of our summer series designed to help you focus on what you best life would look like. What would be important and meaningful? So here's today's question:

What would you do if you were not afraid?

Would you quit the job you hate and start a business? Maybe you had a great idea for a business but never could risk the start up phase? But what if you set a goal to do it, took steps in that direction, so that someday you could do it?

Have you ever thought of "homesteading"? It's when you buy a home and some land where you want to live, plant gardens, maybe raise a few animals, and you live off (mostly) what you can grow and build and make. There are lots of stories online about people all over the world that gave up a tiny apartment in the city for a home with some land in the countryside. Then they planted a garden, raised chickens, maybe a few cows, and taking care of their little "farm" is their job. Maybe they earn income by doing something else you can do online - selling something you make, successful blogging, offering an online service, or maybe they sell what they grow or bake at a Farmer's Market or to local stores to earn money.

Would you want to travel for 6 months? Maybe there's a particular place or area of the world you always wanted to visit. Plan for it, maybe find someone to go with you (maybe not) and just do it.
I know many people who work a second job so they can save that income for travel. The world is a beautiful place if you know where to look. Read online, find photos, read some travel magazines or books. Pick your destination(s).

Have you thought about going back to school but you worry because you now have kids that age of most college students? It's not too late. Schools offer lots of financial help to those who need it, there are many scholarships available, usually through your local area. Now you can take classes online around whatever else you have going on. If grandmas and athletes (who travel most of the year) can do it, believe you can too if that's something you always wanted to do.

Are you afraid of committing to a relationship? This one is a bit harder. If you know that you really love that person, in your head and your heart (emotions alone can betray you), take time to consider it. Ask those who know you best, and know them, if they think it would be a good match. Are you both compatible long-term? In other words, will you be fighting over how to raise kids? religion? how to be smart with your money? goals and dreams? If you get all "yes" answers, then also consider this: tomorrow is not promised to anyone. If something were to take that person away from you forever, would you regret letting fear get in the way of committing to them?  Then after careful consideration, don't wait.

Have a great week and I hope you are beginning to figure out a direction for your life to intentionally live the simple life you always wanted.