Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Friday, January 2, 2009

A New Year, and a time to make big changes!

I love New Year's Resolutions. I know lots of people make them and quit, or hate them so much they don't bother, but I love them. The new year is a clean slate, a new start, a chance to drop bad habits and start new ones, a time to get rid of what's not working and begin working on improving situations in my life. I admit, sometimes I forget a few of them and find my list of resolutions about halfway through the year, but then I get back on track, and even if I only succeed at half of them - I'm better off than if I'd never attempted to do anything, right?

Here's a few things I'm optimistic about in 2009:

Our growing business will grow to the point I can leave my job and be a full-time, homeschooling mom again.

I'm already down close to 40 pounds this year, so 2009 should end with me healthier and happier.

I've already got a little bit of money put aside so I can visit my Grandmother this summer. So far I only have enough for 1 ticket, but I'm hoping to earn and save enough to pay for 5 tickets by then.

Thanks to my sister's generosity, our family will finally get to see CA and the Pacific ocean around the end of March.

I've been at a new church for about 5 months since Tim switched us from Mountain Valley to Central. This year, I'll join their ladies' bible study so I can meet some new people and not dread going to a place with so many strangers. I'll finally get to worship among friends again.

I'm determined to finish my Ferguson heritage scrapbook album. I've got the great-grandparents done, the grandparents, the aunts & uncles. Now I need to do the pages for the grandkids and great-grandkids in 2009.

If I can get out of the job thing, and the money's there, I'm also looking forward to visiting FL and TX to be with my family I haven't seen in years! I also would like to get to AK, but that may have to wait til 2010.

...and I've got lots more, but these are the top ones for now.