Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

More Memories Gone

This morning I read online that the China Tea House in the town I grew up in, burned down. This was a favorite hangout for me and my friend Michelle. It seems like we must've eaten there almost every week for years once I got my driver's license. We spent hours there laughing and sharing. They used to have Chinese lanterns over each table and although I'm not proud of it today, it used to be a challenge to take a tassel off the lamp and leave with it, without getting caught. By the time we'd spent a year or two going there, most table lanterns were missing quite a few. I don't even know what I did with all of them. We also took a napkin and a coconut shaped drink cup...yeah, we were young and stupid, and not yet Christians.

You know, we also lost our wedding location a few years ago when the property was sold and knocked down for something else. It just goes to show, you need to get pictures of meaningful places and things - not just people - because nothing lasts forever, and later on, that photo will be all you have to remember it, and share it with your loved ones in stories of fond memories.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Summer Plans

What a great summer this is going to be. Although I won't get to do everything I'd like to do, like attending my sister's wedding and visiting family/Boston, or getting to San Diego, it's still going to be great.

My oldest and youngest will be spending 3 weeks at their grandparents' house both visiting and earning money doing odd jobs. That'll give me some time to spend with my "middle child" to try to calm his angry spirit. He's been so quick to lose his temper for so long, I hope some one-on-one time will help calm him down. He gets a lot of attention, but if his siblings do too, it's like his didn't count.

After that, he'll get to spend 2 weeks up there where he loves it so much. I don't know yet if the other 2 will come home at that time, or if one will come home, or if all 3 will be there - and I may be child-less for 2 weeks - wouldn't that be amazing?!

In any case, I'll get to relax, spend time by the pool, sleep til 8 or 9, read stuff "for me" for a change, and who knows what else! It's just what I need before we start up our new curriculum in August.

Although I love to travel, with gas being over $4/gallon soon, and maybe even up to $5/gallon before summer's over, I'm glad our major business convention is right here in the city. Last year we had to go all the way to Utah, but this year, we'll save money, don't need to stay in a hotel or eat out that weekend, so we can spend less than usual.

I'm really looking forward to this summer.