Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Monday, September 10, 2018

It's almost fall and I'm back

My apologies to those who were reading this blog in about 15 countries. I needed to prioritize some things for about a month. I finished up my summer online classes which meant I needed study time and to take my finals for them. I also started a full 18 credit load of fall classes the very next week. Last weekend was my only chance to get away for a few days until after Christmas - so I took advantage of it. We went to San Diego, California and had a great time.

Now I'm in the typical swing of things and I'm ready to blog again, at least on a weekly basis.

People write to me often asking how to get started. What if they give or throw away something they will end up needed in the future and have to buy it again? Here's what I tell them:

If you were moving soon, what things would you pack away first knowing you won't touch it anytime soon? Now let's think about this room by room.

* Kitchen - What have you not touched in ages? A crock pot you have not used in years? A fondue set still in the box? Duplicates of things like can openers or blenders? Baking pans that you have too many of when keeping just one or two would be enough? Do you have multiple sets of dishes just sitting in a pantry or in cabinets but never get used? Do you need 4 ladles and 5 spatulas? Pack up what you won't be using.

* Living Room - Are there lots of movies or books in your living room you know won't be watched or read anytime soon because you haven't touched them in over a year? Pack them in the box. What about those decorative pillows you never really liked but felt you "should" have them all over your sofa and chairs? Pack them. Look around for all those knick knacks you collected or were given over the years that no longer mean anything to you. Pack them.

* Bedroom - What clothes and shoes do you know you haven't worn in over a year for one reason or another? If they don't fit, are out of style, have stains or holes in them, pack them in a box (or throw away the ones that aren't fit for giving to someone else).

* Bathroom - If you have dozens of lotions, cosmetics, colognes, and other personal care items you never use, trim down to just what you would need to leave out for the next month (or less, if you want) and put the rest in the box.

Without asking you to go through the attic, garage, back yard, front porch, patio, storage shed, or basement - pack up anything else inside your home you would pack away if you were moving because you know you don't need it anytime soon. If you feel ambitious, include your closets. If not, they can wait.

Now that you have a box (or more) of things you haven't used in forever and know you won't need them, donate that box. You would not have put anything in it you use regularly. You didn't pack collectibles that mean something special to you (like a quilt made by your great grandmother or your entire sports memorabilia collection). Give away what you don't need, use, or take pleasure from anymore.

Congratulations! You've just taken the first baby step to intentionally move your life in the direction you wanted. The extra space in your life will bring you less stress and more peace. I still don't know how it works, but it does. The less you hang onto unnecessary things, the better you feel. Great job!