Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

We're moving...finally!

After much fear over our soon to be rising costs where we are, we finally got the call from the community we have been waiting on. Since December, I've waited for a 3 bedroom unit to open up. We need the larger one for all the closet space since there's still 5 of us until Adam can move out, but we had resigned for sake of timing, that we would accept the smaller 3 bedroom until. I got a call yesterday morning stating a smaller 3 bedroom was available. I was thrilled! It was on the second floor (which makes it a bit safer, right?), and it faced a quiet, tree-lined street, and was right in front of the office/clubhouse/pool building. I told the manager I'd take it. Within about an hour, she called back to say she had just been informed that a larger 3 bedroom was also coming available! It was in the other side I didn't like as much, it was in the back corner, has no washer and dryer, and it's on the first floor. It's also about $100/month more - but it may have a new kitchen. She wasn't sure. If it doesn't, the rent will be less. Although I like everything about the smaller unit better, the boys will pick up more bedroom square footage, we have a pantry in the kitchen, more balcony space, and 2 or 3 additional closets for storage so we don't need to rent a storage unit. That's good, because I've always felt that if you needed one, you have too much stuff. If it's because your living area is too small, than in most cases, having all that stuff usually means your living beyond what you can afford. Anyway, we get to move in about 8 weeks. That gives me plenty of time to acquire boxes and a few bins, pack up everything, give away everything we don't need, and make sure everything here is clean, looking like-new, and in proper working order. I'm so excited about this. For less than our rental increase, here's what we'll be adding: a pool, a spa, a clubhouse, a gym, basketball courts, horseshoe pits, tennis courts, roller hockey rink, 24 hour security/safety officers, bikes at the office that you can borrow to go out locally without using your car and gas, barbecue grills, a guard at the gate in the evening, and because of the income restrictions, we know you have to earn a certain amount to afford living there - so that should keep out the troublemakers. There's on-site laundry (although we'll need a washer & dryer upon moving in with a family our size and the boys needing work uniforms to be cleaned several times during the week). Our living room is about to expand, and we'll have a covered patio with privacy from high walls, gorgeous green grass in every direction, and mountain views off the back of the community. The best part is that we're still very close to where we are now, it's only about 2 to 3 miles away, so we'll get to stay in familiar territory and it won't affect the boys getting to work hardly at all. Let the countdown begin!