Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Adam's cool weekend:

This weekend will be pretty cool for Adam. Friday night is a sleepover with a bunch of friends for a birthday party. They're going to stay up most of the night playing video games. They'll be leaving for their own homes mid-Saturday.

Sunday, Adam will be at church, as usual.

Sunday night, the church where Adam attends his Bible Study (and played sports) is hosting an all-niter at Amazing Jakes from 11pm to 6am. (Yes, there's church chaperones and his friends are all going and the doors get locked so no strangers get in. Only church-invited people can attend.) They get video games, a pizza buffet, go-kart racing, laser tag, bowling, rock climbing wall, karaoke, bumper cars and snacks! Oh, to be 14 with so little responsibilities again!

But to do the right thing, Adam did both Friday's and Monday's schoolwork early so that he can sleep in Monday and not get behind on his classes. A motto in our house is "We do what we HAVE to do before we do what we WANT to do."

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Adam Fan Club

How funny is this? Jordan and her friends started an Adam Fan Club and so Jordan set up a blog where his members can keep up with what's going on in his life, see pictures of him, and learn more about him.

Maybe it'll be a good experience for him to learn to model good behavior, and be a good example because people are watching his every move. It could be an important lesson if he's going into law or politics.

The website is