Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Living Simply: Question 15

Today we continue our summer series that discusses things to think about that will help you begin to build the simple life you always wanted.

Question 15 is this:  What do you dream of achieving one day?

     Is there a different life you've always thought about in the back of your mind? I bet when you were little and someone asked what you wanted to be when you grow up, you didn't tell them you wanted to be an employee working too many hours in a job you hate for less money than you can afford to live on. So what DO you want to do?

     Do you want to be in a quality relationship with someone? Married? Have kids? Then start by becoming the type of person someone else dreams of finding. Be your best as if your potential spouse is secretly watching you. Be honest. Take care of yourself. Be friendly. Don't be the one guy or woman that brings everyone around you down. If it's kids you want, but you've been holding off, let me let you in on a little secret...There's NEVER a best time to do it. If you want kids, and you're in a strong marriage, and you can provide a stable, loving home life for kids, than now is the time. If you can't have kids, then understand there are so many kids waiting to be adopted by a loving family. Consider that option. If you want to help kids in a big way but can't afford it right now, consider foster care. These kids need love and attention, and that can make all the difference. If you don't want kids...let's move on.

     Do you love your job enough that you would do it for free if they stopped paying you? If so, stay where you are, and be thankful you found fulfilling work you love. If not, what DO you want to do? Do you want to go back and finish a degree to open doors to a new career you always thought you would be good at? Do you want to open your own business? What about a bed and breakfast? Maybe you're one of those independent people that dream of homesteading, farming your own animals and gardens to be self-sustainable. Start planning how to make that happen, what the costs would be, where you would do it, what education you should acquire first...

     Have you always wanted to travel but it's too expensive? Start small. Take day trips, then weekends, then try a few days someplace close enough to drive to...then you can start planning for long-distance trips, cruises, flying to another country, etc. If you are involved in a church, maybe there are missionary trips that you can go on to see the world while helping others live a better life.

     Whatever it is, start with intentional baby steps in that direction. You can do what you believe you can do - just put in the work and prepare. When timing is right - make the jump.