Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Friday, January 4, 2008

I love winter in Arizona

I spent a good 2 hours or more today talking on the phone with my best friend from my childhood/teen years and my little sister. Both live in Massachusetts, where I was born and raised. The greater Boston area got over 44 inches of snow in just the month of December!!! They're both pretty happy people normally, but I can tell they're both sick of the cold, gray weather and driving in mounds of snow. One's moving here, one's moving to Florida next fall.

I hated all but about 8 weeks of the year in New England and spent most of my life asking, "Why do we still live here?" The year we left (2003), it actually snowed in 8 months of the year! Our first snow was in October and our last storm, which dropped about a foot, fell on May 3rd! I'm so thankful I'm here year-round, but ESPECIALLY in the winter! I wish I could tell them it'll all be okay when next Christmas they're eating outdoors staring at Palm trees.

Every day I see another beautiful, amazing site here and wonder how many thousands of people drive by the same thing and are blind to it...a gorgeous sunset, pink and purple clouds, a rainbow that touches the ground, sun rays blazing from a hole in a cloud, the blue water of the Salt River contrasting the green and gray desert on either bank, the purple hues of the Superstition Mountains, the view of Phoenix lights from the McDowell mountains, a cotton field in full bloom (kinda looks like snow, right?)...I could go on and on...

I guess my message for today is to take the time to look around and enjoy the beauty all around.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Amazing Grace movie

If you haven't seen the movie Amazing Grace, it's about William Wilberforce, the great abolitionist of the European slave trade. Based on the true story, it's a reminder of how we need to stand for what's right, even against great opposition. If good men do nothing, then who's making all the decisions?

Also, a quick reminder to register to vote, do your homework: find out how each candidate has voted or where they really stand on issues. So often, I hear people say they're voting for a particular candidate, just to next say they agree or disagree on something that contradicts that candidate's stand.

Value the freedom we have in America. Be thankful we aren't under the rule of an evil king, dictator or other ruler, like so many of our ancestors were. Veterans were willing to die for us to have freedoms and choices. Be smart. Be pro-active. Vote intelligently.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

I love to take walks.

This morning I decided to take a walk with Logan & Jordan. (Adam's not into walks I guess.) We live in a very unique place. Our complex is located right next to a nice, safe neighborhood with million dollar homes. They all have manicured lawns, no trash to be seen, fountains, bridges, stained glass, rose bushes trimming the edge of the lawn, you get the idea. I love walking through that neighborhood. It's peaceful, with very few (if any) cars on the roads. I always feel safe walking there.
I feel good that I did something good for myself. I feel renewed, my mind is cleared, the wind on my face, the sun shining on me, it's the best way I know to spend 40 minutes with my kids.
If you live in a place too cold for a walk, maybe walking in a mall is for you; or curling up in a cozy chair under a blanket, sipping hot cocoa, reading a good book for 40 minutes. If you're stressed, maybe it's a 40 minute soak in a hot bubble bath - you're never too old for that.
As much as my resolutions have to do with others - we all need time to recharge and renew. Find a way to enjoy some time for yourself today.

Monday, December 31, 2007

"Amateur Night"

Hello Everyone,

Happy "Amateur Night"! That's what Tim calls New Year's Eve. It's the night when people drink more than usual, and those that usually don't drink and drive, do. It's the night we choose to stay home, and stay safe. The scariest thing we have to worry about is someone in our complex hitting a carport pole.

I plan on being asleep before midnight, but I'll see the Tempe Town Lake fireworks from our window at 10pm (to coincide with New York's midnight celebration in Times Square). I plan on welcoming 2008 with anticipation, hope and joy for all I know God's going to do in our lives this year.

A tradition here is to watch Rudolph's Shiny New Year with popcorn. We did that last night. Now the year's complete.

May you all be safe, healthy and blessed.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

2008 Resolutions

Every year I write resolutions, and by mid-June, I've forgotten what they are and where I put them. Sometime around September I come across them, and see which ones I still have time to complete. I never lose the extra weight I'd like to, I always read enough books to hit my goal, I may finish 1 or 2 things that were undone when I made the list, but for the most part - I don't get much done (on the list, anyway).

This year, I'm going to work on less tangible things. Instead of focusing on tasks, I'm going to work on relationships.

This isn't my final list, but it's a start of putting ideas in writing:

1. I'm going to find someone who needs a friend and choose to make the first move to befriend her.

2. I'm going to be a better listener. I don't need to be thinking of what I'll say when it's my turn, if it's important, it'll come to me. I'm going to look in their eyes and really listen.

3. I'm going to anonymously bless someone in need in a way they'd never expect.

4. I'm going to make or create something for a friend to let them know how special they are to me.

5. I'm going to spend more time playing with my kids instead of everything being task-focused. I'm going to play football and soccer with my boys, color with my daughter, play board games that THEY pick, and I may even be willing to learn how to play one of their multi-button chaotic video games.

6. I'm going to really watch what I say to Tim. I'm always working on self-improvement, so I tend to offer tips on improvement on the right way to do things. I married Tim because he was so smart, so when did I start thinking I was smarter anyway? I don't harp, insult, make fun of, or disrespect him - but I could do better to NOT complain over stupid little stuff. I give him plenty of reasons to criticize, yet somehow, he just never does - really - never.

7. I hate the phone. Maybe it comes from years as a telemarketer? I prefer emails and text messages. They're short, to the point, and I don't have to endure a long, drawn-out story for the tenth time. One of my resolutions is to use the phone more. People have just as much to say as I do and I could learn a lot if I just give them their chance.

8. I'm going to become more involved in my community. I've been here almost 5 years now, and if I want my city to be a better place, it's time to stop waiting for someone else to fix it. I was given certain gifts, talents and abilities. How dare I not use them to help others.

Well, that's a good start. See what I mean by not being task-focused? So what are your resolutions going to do for your life?
