Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Monday, February 6, 2012

February Goals

Here's my list of 5 goals for February:

1. I've lost 14.9 pounds so far, I'm hoping to hit the 20 pound (loss) goal by the end of the month.

2. I'm hoping to find great deals on stuff for the boys' birthdays. Logan's was pretty inexpensive for what we got and he'll like them (can't share what they are just yet). Trying to find either a futon, a NICE tv stand/ent. center, or housewares for Adam (for when he gets his own place soon).

3. I really should get through the end of chapter 2 in my Genesis study, but I've struggled to find time to work on it. Between school, moving 200 miles away in a few months, hubby working nights and sleeping days, and in a few weeks, he'll be back in school for a month to change careers where he'll be gone for days at a time for a few months. Oh yeah, and I'm the Secretary for the Board of Directors for our local Farmer's Market so I've been busy rewriting contracts, applications, policy changes, procedures, and fee structures.

4. I hope to get Jan & Feb of 2011 scrapbooked, but I'm not sure about that one.

5. I'll continue to cook healthier meals for my family. I was very successful doing that in January, but the food costs more than cheaper, processed food choices, do our pantry, freezer, and cupboards are pretty bare right now. Hopefully I can build up a little here and there this month if I find great deals on frozen veggies, canned or dried beans, meats, etc.

What are you hoping to get done in February?