Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Easing into "normal" again...

With just a few days left before I get fitted for my permanent crown, and only a week before my next birthday, and with 8 days til Easter, and a new month coming up, and spring taking off...I'm slowly easing back into a "normal" life. March is a great month here in Arizona. It's cold enough to still count as winter, but the sun in warmer, the breeze is here for a few weeks as the seasons change, and grass is growing again. My back yard is all green again - it's so different when the yard looks like a yard instead of just dirt and rocks. We had very soft, thick, tall clover until Logan landscaped the yard last weekend. He spent two hours trimming, mowing, edging, and cleaning up the yard, and the front lawn (well, it's almost a lawn again). It's warm enough to keep our back doors open almost all day, every day right now. I love fresh air and a soft breeze carrying through the house. I made a bunch of homemade cleaners last night and did our spring cleaning. I'm trying to get rid of unnecessary chemicals in our home environment. With three teenagers, that's not easy. They have so much stuff! Body sprays, specific colognes, tons of body washes, piles of hair products, and lots of cologne. Getting them on board may not be possible right now, but I'm doing what I can. It's also a great season for visiting the local Farmer's Markets. Honestly, the prices are a lot higher than I expect when I get there, so I see what's local and in season, then go buy it at our Sprouts (natural and organic) grocery store. Right now I can get organic avocados for under a buck, 3 pounds of organic apples for just $2.50, organic bananas for anywhere from .69/lb down to just .49/lb, and more. I'm trying to get outside more and more, too. I realize that soon it'll be too hot to walk outside for extended periods of time, so now is the time to do it. I'm walking at the zoo, visiting more outdoor events, and walking in parks. I feel stronger and healthier every day. Soon I'll be back to normal.