Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Where's January going?

Am I the only one who's month is flying by? Between school starting up again, working weekends, business webinars, webcasts, phone calls and meetings, starting up a new bible study, starting to teach a new small group, considering co-hosting a book club, and oh yeah, I have a household to run and 3 kids to raise, teach and taxi.

I think part of my business is that I know I've only got a few months left to commit to stuff here in the Valley. I may actually look forward to our move to northeastern arizona in the summer - so I can finally relax and not over-commit anymore.

My biggest plan once we're there is to take some time to just "be" with my kids; to give them all of my attention for a while. I know I've raised them at home, but I've had to do it around lots of other commitments. First real estate properties and tenant issues, then being the one to head up different organizations and groups, then once they got older - I continued to run things but they got left home more and more. Now I feel like I never see them outside of school time anymore. There's never time and money for family trips - even day trips, anymore.

So this summer, we're going to settle in up in Concho, then take some time to just unwind. We're going to learn how to relax and how to make a conscious effort to play together.

It's time.