Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It's Getting Better

I've been working for about a month now, the money's pretty good, the people are great, it's a good "team" environment, but yes, it's still a job. I miss being with my kids when I'm at work. I really enjoy teaching when I have a day off. I've got Mondays and Tuesdays off for now. That works out perfect because I get to start off the week teaching the kids what they need to do the rest of their week's work. I still get to go to my Tues. morning Bible Study. Without that, I'd never have the support and strength to get through everything else all week. Adam gets to stay in drama on Tues. afternoons (he pays for it). And if someone wants to attend a Monavie Team meeting, they're on Tues. nights so I can go to those too.

I realize by my aches and pains that I'm older than I realized, but I think the addition of so much walking at work is good for me. I'm losing weight consistently, so that's good too. I just get really tired these days. I used to deal with chronic fatigue, but since my scleroderma has been reversing itself, that's not really a problem. However, I have a new problem...I can get sick now where before my never-shutting-off immune system prevented that. I've been sick with a bad cold for over a week now, constantly struggling to breathe clear, and I can't stop blowing my nose.

It's an adjustment, but at least it's only temporary.