Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Ready for the New Year, and a New Chapter in My Life

Here we are, just 9 days until Christmas, and barely 2 weeks to 2020. What will change for me in 2020 as I begin this new chapter in my life?

1.  As of now, I haven't met my first grandbaby yet. He's coming to visit so as January 1st rolls around, I'll have met him, held him, played with him, and taken tons of photos of him since he lives almost 1800 miles away!

2.  I will be starting at a new university to finish my bachelor's degree in 1 year.

3.  At the end of 2020, we're putting our home up for sale and downsizing. Our kids are all hard-working, independent adults who support themselves and pay a little rent here. They're ready to move on and we're ready to have a smaller mortgage, taking pressure off my husband while I'm in school.

4.  Our yearly vacation won't be a cruise to the Caribbean to check out new islands this coming year. Instead we'll use our vacation time and resources to go visit our kids and grandson in another state here in the U.S. Hopefully we'll get 7 to 10 days with them while we explore where they do life.

5.  I'm transitioning from the President of the Honor Society on campus to being the new person in the National Society of Collegiate Scholars at the university.

6.  I will have more free time than ever in my college career so far, taking just 4 classes instead of 5 or 6, only being on campus 2 days a week instead of 4 or 5. Fortunately, it's just far enough from home that it's not worth the 20+ mile drive unless I have a full day of classes to attend.

7.  Although I'm a minimalist, not everyone I live with is, and I've had responsibilities that kept me from being as minimalist as I'd like. In 2020, because of the downsizing, I'll be able to truly minimize things. I'll pack boxes almost every week and label them either who they're going to or donating the items where they can do the most good. Not a lot to actually throw away since we minimalized everything not too long ago.

8.  Hopefully, with the extra time, less stress, and more knowledge, my improving health will be better than ever. Still having issues with Hashimoto's and cortisol not letting me lose weight even on a gluten-free vegan diet, so we're "experimenting" with foods that have a similar construction to gluten chemically. We'll figure this thing out. Medication keeps things stabilized, but it's proven to not be the solution.

9.  I'll be switching teaching my bible studies from Friday to Monday, which frees me up to attend lots of Women Rising events I had to miss the last two semesters. It's a great organization to foster leadership, sisterhood, and empowerment. It's NOT a feminist or man-bashing organization (that's what I thought by the name when I first heard it). It's a group that focuses on issues important to women and support.

10.  Lastly, I'm sure I'll make lots of new friends this year. I make lots of friends every semester. Maybe I'll make less since I'll only be on campus 8 days a month and won't be so involved in campus events, but that's okay too. I could use a bit more time to relax and let my health recover.

What will 2020 hold for you? What are you looking forward to? What changes do you think you'll be going through? I'd love to hear from you!