Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year - 2012!!!

Happy New Year! And it really is, because 2011 was such a disappointment. We went months without any kind of steady income, Tim's job with the company he was starting with his father fell apart when they discovered support and stability wasn't backing the software platform. Then there's the hope of buying or renting a place of our own that fell through. My Grandmother passed away in the fall, and we seem to have more snow than usual here for December - we've already burned through half the winter's wood in just over a month and a half!

Okay, now that that's out of my system, here's the blessings of 2011 - the ones I remember at the moment, anyway...Tim got a job and it pays more than minimum wage. I got a laptop for Christmas. I got to spend Spring Break in the valley with the kids for a whole week in March. I made new friends at church and through the Concho Farmer's Market. I made hundreds of dollars selling scones, lemon/lime curd, and dessert platters. I paid cash for Christmas and got the kids what they wanted. This was the first year in so many years that Adam appreciated what he got, participated in the Christmas festivities, and admitted this year was better than last year. I was able to buy a pair of glasses to fix my left eye vision problems. Adam found a job as 2011 was just getting started, and although he ended up quitting and hating it - it paid him thousands for stuff he wanted and his share of the bills, and made him feel better about himself and his surroundings. Adam got his license this year - a HUGE help to me and freedom for him. Logan got his permit this year. I learned how to save lots of money with coupons and in turn, teach others to do the same and it's making a real difference in their lives. My faith is on the grow again, FINALLY! Tim and I both want the same things for 2012 (to move, for him to get his CDL). Jordan's schooling getting better and better. I'm back in touch with my cousin Tracy and my aunt Jane again.I can scrapbook through the winter with just a few minor purchases. We're affording our Monavie every month, so keeping the RA/arthritis and migraines to a minimum. Tim & I renewed our vows at the Festival of Marriage weekend in Glorieta, NM. So although there were many disappointments and lots of stress - there was also much to be thankful for.

As we head into 2012, here's a few Resolutions I can share publicly:

1. I'm going to rewrite my Genesis bible study into a format I can sell.
2. Once we decide where we're moving, probably Show Low (Tim's not thinking Payson nor the Valley right now, but only God knows what's ahead), we'll either join FBCSL as members, or find a new church in Payson, or return to MVC in Scottsdale - depending where the trucking job leads (or whatever else God may have planned for Tim through WalMart).
3. I will be teaching coupon classes all year - and getting my out-of-state Couponing Info website out there for customers to sign up.
4. I'll finish scrapbooking all of 2011.
5. I'll be spending January following the Maker's Diet - organic, healthy, natural foods only. Last year I did it for 90 days and looked and felt great.

Have a great New Year's. Stay safe.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Almost 2012!

It's been quite a while since I've been on here. Mostly because our computer died on Thanksgiving and we can't replace it yet. For Christmas Tim tried to buy me a laptop at his work, but they're sold out temporarily with no idea when they'll be back in, just that it'll be "soon". He paid for it and got me the gift card for it, but I still have to just wait.

Christmas was pretty good this year. We chose to do everything in the late afternoon/early evening since everyone's working weird shifts lately. We had a great dinner with the 7 of us, beef roast, potatoes, gravy, veggies, garlic cheddar biscuits, coconut cream pie, pecan pie, and peppermint stick ice cream!

I got a bunch of scrapbooking stuff from Mom (exactly what I was thinking I wanted), the gift card for the laptop, and Adam got me a nice light up angel decoration. The kids got clothes, money, gift cards, soft blankets and more. Tim asked for movies (live-action superhero ones) so we got him 8 of them! That should keep us busy while we wait for the computer and order Netflix.

Although it's snowed a lot already this winter and has been very cold, including below zero nights, the past 2 days have been warm and sunny. That's important for me to get through these cold winters again. I do miss palm trees and warm winters more than anything!

Adam took his first solo trip to the Valley during vacation. He drove the 200 miles down, will stay for 2 weeks, then drive home again. I made him promise me he wouldn't go anywhere New Year's Eve unless it's with his friend Tim's whole family. Other than that, he'll make good decisions, so I hope he has a great time.

Hopefully, the computer will come in soon and I'll be back on here more regularly, but for now, the library countdown is ticking so I have to go.