Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Making September Great

Today is the first day of September. It starts the last third of 2012. I always start the year with a set of goals and hopes for the year. Like most people, somewhere around mid-spring, many of those get forgotten, or circumstances changed, or life just got so busy that I got off track. Today is a gift. It's a chance to start again. A day to refocus on those forgotten goals for the year - there's still plenty of time to complete most of them. How about you?

Will you refocus on those health goals? If losing weight was on your list, there's still 4 whole months to do that. Even if all you saw was a single pound come off every week, you still have time to drop 17 pounds in 2012! That could lower your risks for so many health issues! Will you recommit to yourself?

What important project have you been putting off that could really make a difference at work, in your business, or around your home? 17 weeks is plenty of time to finish those undone projects, complete the follow through on your customers you've been putting off, do those home improvements that haven't gotten done, etc. Take some time this long weekend and plan out what one thing you can do that will help you start off 2013 better than if you hadn't done it. Begin with the end in mind. Decide what to get accomplished, and work a plan backwards, breaking it into smaller steps and you can be successful.

What relationships have been neglected due to busyness? Your relationship with God? Date night with your spouse? Time to relax and enjoy your children? A visit or conversation with an aging parent or grandparent that misses you? The faithful friend or sibling or relative that patiently waits and longs to spend time with you? Plan the time into your schedule. Life is short - don't wait.

Maybe there's a few things on your to-do list that have been neglected for so long, yet still adds a pang of guilt when you think about it? Put it in your schedule to work on it and get it done so you can get rid of that burden that's been weighing you down. Do it now so 2013 can begin with a free feeling of accomplishment instead of regret over things still undone.

Perhaps you're beginning a new season in your life? It's the start of fall, of a new school year, maybe a fiscal year, maybe a new time to qualify for something in the near future, or you'll be kicking off a new activity or job or group project? Take time this weekend to plan where you want it to go, what results you'd like to see out of it, and what steps you can take along the way to get there.

Whatever your plans, don't miss the opportunity to do great things in your world. There's still 17 weeks to go. Don't waste them. Make the most of them. Make your September great!