Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Photo Challenge: Day 2

Day 2: At the park on the next street over we've been watching both the turtles and the ducks, especially the baby ones. I got this photo because it seemed to carry the heading "But You're So Different". Every day we encounter people that are so different from us. Maybe they look different, or act culturally different, or have an opposite personality from us, or they dress different, or talk different, (you get the idea). We all have pre-conceived notions about those that are different, but do we ever stop and think how we appear to them? Maybe we seem too aggressive, or too loud, or too people-pleasing, or too old-fashioned, or too self-absorbed, etc. If we realize that WE'RE different to most people, maybe we can make a conscious effort to be more friendly, or to help out someone in need, or maybe just pass on a smile to someone who's hurting. Be encouraging to someone who needs it. You never know who's life you may touch for the better.

Photo Challenge: Day 1

Day 1: The tropical hibiscus flower that opened on the plant in my back yard. We've actually gotten about 5 of them since we moved here. They are so short lived. They bud with promise on one day, open fully by the next morning, then by the next day, they're purple and shriveled and fall off the plant. What a glimpse into life. We're here such a short time, too. It flies by before we know it. We have such a short window of time where we can bloom and be vibrant, then it's over. What will YOU do to be vibrant and come alive during your time here on earth? Don't waste it. Shine now while you can. Bring happiness to those around you and you'll be remembered fondly long after you're gone.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Reflecting on 20 years of marriage

Tim & I just celebrated being married 20 years. I spent a lot of the day reflecting on our struggles and our triumphs during that time. I thought of the lowest of lows, and the highest of highs. We've faced everything together and God has kept us protected and blessed just enough to keep us together and dependent on Him. Here's some of our high points in our marriage (for me, anyway):

Our wedding - the day was perfect, not too hot, not too cold, everything went smoothly.
Living in AZ the 1st time - our first 6 months we learned to live together w/o anyone around to tell us what to do.
Having a friend announce the coming of our first born in Canada during a function, from stage, surprising the new would-be grandparents.
The birth of our children - each was unique, Tim was wonderful in the delivery room.
Our first home - it was so inexpensive, the bank made us take out a personal loan rather than a mortgage.
Our first duplex - we lived free since the renters upstairs covered the cost of the mortgage.
Camping at Salisbury Beach, MA, watching the sun rise over the ocean and toasting marshmallows by campfire at night.
Moving to AZ the 2nd time w/our kids - it was like coming "home"
Tim breaking through some lifelong struggles to be free forever.
Utah trip through Zion national park - so beautiful!
Taking the stage together as we advanced in our business, and winning a free suite as the top winners of a contest in Las Vegas.
Tim changing careers to be a flatbed over the road driver. We miss him but it's the start of getting back on our feet, better than before.
Returning to the Valley after 2 years of living in the cold, snowy, too-windy climate of the high elevation, high desert area where everything hurt.
Starting our new adventure together, better than ever, looking forward to another 20+ years together.