Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Moving Truck is Booked !

We booked the moving truck this week. On May 30th, we'll pick up truck, go to church for the last time (for a while, anyway) at Mountain Valley, then come home to move. Hopefully, we'll have some help. My boss and her husband agreed to help already, they've been so great about this.

We have such a small place that we can't pack much until the truck's here. Boxes take up more space than the stuff when it's in the drawers and cabinets, so we have to wait til the last few days to really pack most of our stuff. It doesn't help that it'll be around 110 degrees that week! But, we didn't pick the time frame, our bank did when they sold our mortgage 67 days after the last payment. The new company wasted no time picking an auction date just a few weeks away. So it's got to be now.

Actually, with just about another month and a half to go, we're ready to just go. The waiting is hard. I like change. It opens up new possibilities. I'd love to get moved into the new space and begin our new life, so waiting is getting old.

We actually do have to put a few more things in place before we leave, so I guess it's a good thing that there's another 45 days or so. Adam wants to keep working til the last possible day, earn as much as possible, and buy the things he needs for his new room. Tim and I are working at growing our business with more intensity than ever before, hoping to reach another level or two so he can ONLY work part-time to help his parents. We really don't want him to have to take another sales job, or something that prevents us from fixing our family. Too many hours and weekends away has caused some issues that can't be resolved without family, not a job, coming first.

If Tim can start up his own company too, that'd be great, but we only need a few things to fall into place for us to retire him...Gotta go get to work.