Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

It's Fall!

Fall in Arizona is very brief. It comes later here than the rest of the country, and it turns to winter very quickly (which still isn't so bad here). I had the great experience of being in New England until October 1st. I got to see the leaves change colors, the humidity dropped to a drier climate, and the cooler temperatures had just set in. I expected to be freezing, but even at the water's edge in Boston on a cloudy day, I really enjoyed it.

Now that we're into the beginning of November, fall is setting in here. We've had a few weeks where it's been in the 70s instead of the 80s, so it actually feels like fall. The windows and doors are open, we're getting outside more, and it feels great to sit outside with a cup of coffee or tea and just relax. This year, I'm going to try to spend fall outdoors. Usually I run around like crazy and before you know it, I missed the cool weather and it's spring again, heading into the 90s. I plan on taking each day more slowly this time around. I will enjoy spiced cider, pumpkin flavored foods, cool breezes, walks in the park, trips to the zoo, hot cocoa on the patio at night, and if I'm lucky, I'll catch a few fall local events that are outdoors too. The kids even carved pumpkins for the first time ever this year, thanks to the help of Logan's girlfriend, CJ.

I've added a few fall decorations around the house, nothing too much, but I can't wait til Thanksgiving so I can set up for Christmas. It's my favorite holiday. We've got all our decorations for this year already. Every year we do a theme like "Mexican", "Italian", or "Greek". This year, since my reunion with my Ferguson family, we decided to do a Scottish Christmas (without the haggis, before you ask).

Our tree will have plaid bows, red and gold ornaments with white and red berries, pine cones, and a few green accents to tie it all together. Unfortunately, the days of easily finding plaid ornaments and decorations are gone. Now they're super expensive or you have to order them from the U.K.!
We're putting together a traditional Scottish menu and the gifts will be wrapped in a nice plaid paper I found. I can't wait!