Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Living Simple: Question 6

Today's question is going to revolve around being the kind of person that makes the world a better place. 

Today's question is this:  

What does the world need more of?

What comes to mind? Here are a few answers that I found online, and as a Mom, I give my opinion and advice on them. It gets a little strong towards the end, but if no one told you these things before, someone should. I don't mean to offend anyone, but if most people are doing the right things (and not the wrong ones) they shouldn't be offended in the first place. Strong = growth.
  1. Joy - more people who take time to enjoy life, like helping others, want to lift other up instead of wearing others down. Save a life - don't make someone want to take theirs.
  2. Adventure - not everyone wants to go to school, go to college, get a "good" job, and work it 40+ hours a week for the next 40 - 60 years. Some make their own path, take risks, start their own businesses, retire so they have time to help others, become rich to become philanthropists,
  3. Courtesy - what ever happened to opening doors for those behind you, waving in that car trying to merge into traffic and letting them in front of you, saying thank you when someone does something nice, trying to return the favor when someone helps you?
  4. Compassion/Respect/Love instead of ego - everyone (especially on social media) is so concerned about their ego. They name-call, bash, and cuss at each other, demeaning and dismissing anyone else's opinion but their own. There's no more room for that in this world. People are sick of jerks like that. The world needs people to respond, not react, to things. We need to understand that all people deserve respect, even if they disagree with us on things. If everyone figured out how to care about other people, that alone could change the world!
  5. Family - this may mean your relatives, or it may mean those who love and support you and are closest to you, even if there's no blood lines shared. For decades now it's seemed as though there's been a trend to disintegrate the family unit. The world would be so much better if people went back to spending time together instead of in isolation.
  6. Awareness - the world needs people to look up from their phones, to focus on driving when behind the wheel, to be aware of those around them when they speak and do things, considering other's feelings and how their own actions affect others.
  7. Responsibility - You made the mess, you fix it. Stop blaming others because that will NEVER fix the problem. Whatever you did, even if it wasn't something you planned on doing, take responsibility for your actions, your family, your words, your home, your community, and your world. The world does not need more lazy freeloaders who take but never give.
  8. Thinking - People do the stupidest things and then tell everyone, they guess they just didn't think. Unacceptable. Think before you speak. Think before you do. Think where you want to end up and choose the path that goes there - not the one that leads somewhere else. Stop the drama. No one around you likes it. Drama for getting attention gets on everyone's nerves. Maybe they're just too compassionate, caring, loving, and intimidated to tell you - Think first!
  9. Acceptance - people need to stop judging everyone else. I don't know why so many think they're perfect but they sure act like it. The world needs us to accept people where they're at. I don't mean you have to accept and change your beliefs, values, and morals to match others' opinions. I'm saying to accept the person even if you disagree with something they're doing. The most frustrating thing is someone crying for the right to something while they think it's okay to deny you of yours. 
  10. Givers - what can you do well? Are you willing to teach others how to do what you do? Are you willing to share ideas how to solve problems in the world? Are you able to do a small thing, play a small part, in helping others in real need? Some things need time, others money, others ideas, others volunteers, etc. 
If the people in the world could learn these 10 things, just imagine what a better world it would be! I always teach baby steps, intentionally in the right direction. If you can do that, you could change your home or office or family's "world". Communities coming together could change the state, then the nation, then the world. It all starts with one small step.