Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

It's been a good week for Adam.

In the last 4 days, Adam got a wii, got to use his Subway giftcard for their "sub of the day", got a Starbucks Strawberry Frappaccino with another gift card, bought Metroid Prime 3, and pre-ordered Brawl that comes out, oddly enough, on his birthday in 3 weeks.

For Tim, it's a time of him changing jobs soon, so we're not sure how his schedule will look. Fortunately, we have activities to a minimum, so whatever it turns out to be, it shouldn't be too hard to adjust to.

For me, this week is a time to focus on praying for my ladies' bible study friends. Our group has grown to almost 30 women, so praying for each of their requests is pretty time-consuming. Our latest study is laid out with every other week off from homework. That gives us all plenty of time to pray for a few friends per day, at least every other week.

For Logan, it's been a tough week. He's been in an arguing mood all week. He argues over everything, no matter how little or stupid. Not like he wants to be confused with the facts or anything!

And then there's Jordan. The smallest in a house of all Type-A personalities with attitudes and stress. She spends a lot of time doing girly things in her, hairstyling, playing with Barbies, re-decorating her 8 X 10 room...just trying to stay away from everyone til the air gets a little more breathable.

Next week's goal: To get outside more, walk, take in more sun and fresh air, bringing the kids with me. I bet it'd do us a world of good - but the wii's still new, so the kids stayed in all week.

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