Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Our latest venture...

This week Tim & I signed up with the company Monavie. With so many people fighting health issues and especially cancer from free-radical, abnormal cells, their product makes sense. It's from the acai berry, preserved by a procedure that retains 99% of the berry's nutrients. (Most store-bought acai berry drinks aren't as healthy, since the berry loses all but 12% of it's nutritional value in the first 24 hrs. of being picked). Their flash freeze process done on-site in Brazil makes all the difference.
You just drink the Monavie juice, just 2 oz. twice a day, and it's a blend of 19 fruits from the 4 corners of the world, and has the anti-oxident and nutritional value of 7 - 9 servings of fruit. It's not a cure, not medicine, but it's a superfood, which means it can sustain life on its own. How cool is that in a society where we never eat enough fruits and vegetables, and those we do aren't natural anymore unless you buy organic?

The best part is the money. We've been involved in other systems before, but they never had this kind of money, especially this quickly. I had the opportunity to meet people making thousands of dollars a WEEK and they aren't superstars, or the unusually successful type, and they've only been in a year or less! The cool part is, we can start for just $39, not hundreds and hundreds.

Finally, there's light at the end of the financial tunnel and it isn't a train!
It's good to have hope again.

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