Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Spring Break's here (sort of)

The next 2 weeks will be a little more fun than usual. I purposely scheduled the kids to have less work and a few less classes for the next 2 weeks. This week is spring break out here and since some of their friends are in the public schools, I wanted them to have time to play with them. Next week, the kids all go back to school and our favorite places won't be so crowded - so we'll have a 2nd week of lighter classes so we can fit in a trip to the zoo, the science center, and maybe a place we haven't been yet - like to a lake, or a new museum, or a play or something.

The weather is in a state of change here. We hit 83 a few days, it was only 60 yesterday, cloudy and very windy, and today should be in the low 70s but sunny. I'm thankful for every cool day we have before it gets into the 90s, and then the 100s. We usually hit 100 around Mother's Day, and it stays over 100 until September/October. It's still okay til about 107, then your eyes hurt going to the mailbox. (hard to explain)

Anyway, for those of you in a cold climate, you'll be seeing grass and flowers before you know it...just hang in there...winter can't last forever.

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