Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Patient, heal thy self

My blood pressure's been averaging around 145/95 (and above at times) for about 3 months now. Between the stress of being upside-down every month, Tim's income dropping by 55%, dealing with an angry, withdrawn 16 year old, facing a foreclosure on our home, and moving to a place with no jobs available...I've been in the Hypertension range for too long.

My doctor tried Liprinosil. It didn't work, and it made me have a severe intestinal flare-up about every 30 days - one so bad I ended up at an Urgent Care place. So what did she do? She DOUBLED the dosage...I was so dizzy, sick, exhausted, and stressed out! One day when she was sick, her colleague prescribed a less harmful medication. No side effects, but it didn't work either. After 10 days, my bp was just as high as ever.

The words of (I think it was) Socrates, "Patient, heal thy self" were stuck in my mind, like a broken record, over and over and over. I decided to listen to that still small voice and do my own research on the matter.

I found some natural herbs and enzymes that have been used by doctors to reduce blood pressure so I tried them. I bought Co-Q10 Enzyme - in liquid form, and then Hawthorne and Valerian, also in liquid form. From that very day I started taking them, my bp dropped to the 120/80 range with many readings over the last week in the last week under 110 and under 80! Maybe that's what I was supposed to do all along. Again I had that restless spirit regarding taking prescribed medication. I believed all along God gave us what we need on this earth already to heal us. It's up to us to do the work to find it.

I go back to the doctor's on Wed. I don't know how she'll react to my doing this, but it's working. It may be working in conjunction with the new may be doing the job in spite of it. I'm not sure if I'll continue to take it or not, but I know I'll keep taking the natural path to healing.

I've also dropped about 10 pounds since Christmas and added an additional 10 miles of walking every week since starting to waitress again. I've added tons more organic fruits and vegetables to my diet and cut out a huge portion of unhealthy stuff. I'm on the right track.

Wish me luck, Wednesday.

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