Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

1-1-11: Happy New Year!

So what will 2011 hold? Hopefully lots of positive changes! This is the year that Tim & I both lose weight for good, we're already down so much - almost 50 pounds between the 2 of us! It's also going to be a good year for Adam, since he just got a job. He'll have money to get a license, put gas in the jeep, and find some new freedom. No more complaining about being stuck in the house. I think this year will be one filled with new career opportunities for us, while really taking off in our Monavie business. The new weight management system is proven now, we personally know it works, and we're looking forward to helping lots of our friends and family get healthier! School is going smoothly, so I'm not worried about finishing up the second half of this year, but next year will be sad. Adam will be in his senior year. I'd like to be able to hang onto him for another few years, but I know things happen the way they should. He needs to grow up, go to college, get out on his own, make some mistakes, learn from them, and figure out who and what he's really all about. 2010 was so bad that I have nothing but high hopes for 2011.

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