Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Glad he's back

I think it's only fair after posting why I had a good week with Tim gone, that I should now post why it's so good that he's back home with us.

1. I really enjoy sitting on the couch at the end of the day and watching a movie or an episode of Law & Order. We have no television here so movies are all we have. We watch movies and boxed sets of tv shows that have been given to or borrowed by Tim's parents. I watch movies with the kids, and by myself, but when I'm with Tim, it's better. We hold hands, or lean into each other, or sit close under my favorite Mexican blanket if it's really cold in our living room.

2. It's nice to know that if I need something done that's too hard for me, or if I don't have time to get done before I have to leave somewhere, Tim's always willing to help me, or do the job for me. He doesn't complain about it at all.

3. It's great to have a second driver when it's an hour and a half to take Adam to work and back - or to pick him up at 11:00 at night so far away. He never complains about getting the late driving shift.

4. He came home with a very positive, excited attitude about his new corporate position he was offered in CA. It's great to see him looking forward to setting up, running and supervising such a large operation - and knowing he'll have the flexibility to do it his way (for the most part). He's smart and now he'll have a chance to prove it, while providing an excellent income for us.

5. He's really come a long way on his journey. In bible study together on Sunday, I was realizing how well he knows his bible, how he "gets it", and how he understands how to apply it to our lives here in this day and age. All that is very important to me, but up until now, we never were in the same bible study together except for a small group with friends. That was great too, but it ended years ago when we all had to head in different directions.

There's probably a long list of other reasons why it's good that he's home, but in the middle of all I'm doing today, these are the ones that really come to mind first.

He seems a little more willing to try not to stress out the rest of us, more calm, more patient...I'm sure we all hope it lasts as he embarks on his newest adventure. If it's successful, it'll give us more options, and more visits to the valley, and more fun times to share with the kids. God only knows how much they've had to deal with because of our financial difficulties. I can't wait to share fun times, vacations, and rewards with them!

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