Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Looking forward to Spring Break

I'm so happy! In another week, I'll be able to spend Spring Break in the valley where we moved from almost a year ago. We've got a great hotel suite for a whole week! Most vacations for the past 20 years have been 2 or 3 days long, with my only week-long vacation in NewEngland in '09 to see my Grandmother.
Tim will be out of town for the next two weeks, so being gone for one of those weeks while he's away on business with his father makes the time not tick by quite so slow. I'll be taking the kids with me.
I won't get to see much of Adam. He'll get dropped off at his friend's house the day we arrive and won't want to be picked up until the day we head back home. I'll have to get by on just his phone calls and text messages.
Logan & Jordan will be with me most of the week. They may sleep over their friends' house for one or two nights, but the rest of the time, we'll be together. We'll visit our old church, spend time with friends we've missed, they'll get to go to youth group with their friends, and maybe we'll even get to a movie or hang out by the pool together. It's probably going to be around 80. Compared to the 40's and low 50's here, it'll feel like summer!
They're looking forward to just watching television for a bit. They haven't been able to do that in nine months! I'm looking forward to being warm, wearing shorts, laying in the sun, and not having to spend hours every day on teaching, planning, grading and preparing for school.
So although we'll miss Tim, we'll be doing okay.

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