Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Why I like the middle of the night...

5 Things I like about the middle of the night (when Tim's away):

1. I can get up, turn on my laptop, and have time to myself on the internet without interruptions. When Tim's home, I'd never dream of disturbing his sleep with the clicking away of the keyboard, but when I'm alone, every click sounds like a step forward, or an accomplishment. I'm actually getting things done without distractions.

2. The stars. I know in a few months I'll be moved back to the city (yeah!) and I won't be able to see anything but the brightest stars because of the light pollution, but you know what? In the two years we've lived here, it's almost always too cold or too windy to be out at night enjoying them anyway. With that said, there have been a few nights that I woke up between 2 and about 4 a.m. and was absolutely blown away at the number of stars in the sky here. I never gave any thought to the Old Testament when God tells Abraham that he'll have as many descendants as there are stars...until being out here. I saw literally millions of stars and though, "Wow. Seeing a sky like this, Abraham must've been totally blown away by that statement!"

3. The silence. I've never been big on noise. Maybe it's because I grew up in a loud house, with a loud family, and loud eventually led to an argument, then a fight. I also grew up as one of the older cousins and the oldest of my siblings, so I grew up treasuring peace and quiet. My happiest moments (before being married and having kids) were times when I was alone to enjoy the beach, a flower, a sunset, etc.

4. My head has a chance to clear up and "reboot". During the day, my head is constantly buzzing with things to do, things to plan, kids' demands, schedules, information to teach, and about a hundred other things. In the middle of the night, my head is clearer, fewer distractions, I can think out a complete thought, examine different possibilities, see new perspectives, and appreciate all I have to be thankful for.

5. Going back to sleep. I know that sounds strange, but there's something very satisfying knowing I'm going back to sleep with a problem solved, or after a relaxing time for just me, or with a song in my head, or even a prayer on my heart. It's a very peaceful, restful sleep once I fall back asleep. I wake up refreshed and relaxed and can ease into my day without things undone from the day before hanging over me. Those are the best mornings.

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