Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Photo Challenge: Day 29

Congratulations to my sister Alana! After about 10 years of her college changing her requirements, telling her the 1 or 2 labs she has left are too full for her, dealing with serious family issues, and working around 1 and sometimes 2 full-time jobs - she finally did it! She had earned her CNA a few years ago, but now she's an LPN! She found a college with a very vigorous accelerated program that was her last shot at getting her degree. She subjected herself to working at the Lahey Clinic, many long hours of school, going a month without a day off, very little sleep, if any at all, some nights, while trying to maintain some sense of a normal life and keeping her relationship with her boyfriend going strong. It was very difficult, I know, but she made it. I knew she would. She's an achiever and when she's determined to go after something, she'll achieve it. Congratulations, Alana. We're all very proud of you!

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