Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Settling into 2013

Is the middle of January a little too late to "settle into" a new year? I don't think so. I think there's a period of adjustment that had to take place for me. I'm still doing the single-parent thing while my husband's all over the country driving. I have 3 teenagers who all have unique personalities, interests, and activities that somehow always tend to involve my time, gas, and vehicle. I now work 3 to 6 days a week doing Mystery Shops. I put at least a few hours every week into my couponing so I can save 50 to 100% on our groceries. I have bills and budgets to juggle. I've got a house to take care of and keep up with, and did I mention my three teenagers?! Then there's the homeschooling with two of them, Monday through Friday, from 8:30 AM until lunchtime. And the planning, and grading, and preparing for ACT testing, next year applications for city classes, college groundwork, scheduling, and all the reading I have to do to stay ahead of what they're doing. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I'm also starting up again in my bible study where I'm a student, and my second study where I'm the facilitator/teacher. No wonder I haven't slept in 2 weeks! The good news is, I took a different approach this year. Instead of jumping in, like usual, I decided to ease into my Mystery Shops, focus on only what's really important for school, update and streamline my coupons, and change a class for one of my kids to ease our schedule a bit every other week. Instead of handling all the above stuff at once, then feeling guilty about all the exercise I haven't had time to do - I'm easing into all of it. I add what I can to each day but I PRIORITIZE much better than I used to do. I make sure all the important things get done FIRST. Then I do all the "should do" things. After that, I do the "better get an early start on these" things. Last, and I do mean the very last things, I do the short bursts of recreational and rest things. I actually planned to go nowhere today so I could try to take a nap to make up for the 4 hours of sleep I've been getting. Normally I could do okay on 4 hours, but they aren't in a row. I'm building in things like a "field trip" to the zoo so I can get in a couple of miles on walking in the nicer weather. I don't have time for Facebook games like I did when we lived in isolation. And I'm perfectly okay with that. I don't really miss it. I play now and then while I'm waiting on something, or grabbing a snack where I actually sit down for a few minutes. Nothing more than that. By the end of this month, I believe I will have accomplished many of the things I was hoping to do. I've already got a pretty good start. No more guilt over all the things others say I should be doing. Just making sure what's most important gets done first. The rest I simply let go of. If it's still important tomorrow, it'll make that list. If it turns out to be less important than I originally thought, it gets reprioritized further down the list. And you know what? I'm happy.

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