Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

June 1

My gosh, it's been a fast couple of weeks! I'd love to write for hours about every little detail of it, but time just doesn't allow for that. Here's the bullet points of it:

The first 10 days of May were hectic. I was busy packing up the last of the house, trying to get any last-minute big cleaning jobs done, making half a dozen trips to Goodwill to donate things we hadn't used in over a year (and probably wouldn't in the next year), cleaning up the yard, tossing lots of trash, changing over all the utilities, changing our address with important companies, physicians, mystery shopping companies, and dentists, and making sure everything would go smoothly to move into our new place.

The weekend Tim was home to move, it happened to also be Mother's Day. We got him the night before, picked up the truck early - as soon as the Uhaul place opened, picked up an almost brand new pair of washer & dryers I'd found on Craig's List the day before, moved out everything, and moved into the new place - where we hadn't seen the inside yet, just pictures and floor plans. We ended up with less cabinets than expected, but more closet space. I had no idea Tim had accumulated so much big, garage-type stuff that you can't store in a carpeted home. Big, heavy, rusty, metal things! They live on our patio until further notice - but at least I made them look neat. The second day we headed over to the old house to clean. Who would've guessed an empty house we cleaned regularly, and scrubbed weekly would take us 4 hours to clean on the last day?! We also did the yard that day too. I wanted ALL my deposit possible, so it had to be as close to perfect as possible. Also, being friends of ours, it was very important to us that it was returned in like-new condition. After cleaning, Tim & I had plans to go out for Mother's Day, as tired as we were, and with my good clothes buried under boxes. I was so focused on the move that I didn't make plans for any particular restaurant - on the busiest day of the year! We tried Olive Garden, Red Lobster, Mimi's Cafe, everything was packed, even at an odd time like 3:00 in the afternoon! We ended up at Hibachi Grill in Mesa. It's not super classy, but for a decent price I could pick and choose what and how much of what I ate. They do stir fry meat/veggies right there for you on a big grill, they have sushi for Tim, and lots of Asian choices - along with a few more American dishes. It's one of the cleanest buffets we've seen, so we decided to stay there. Besides, by then we were starving.

Unfortunately, we had to skip seeing Iron Man 3 because Tim got called into work so early on Monday morning, that he would've had to leave at 3 a.m., so rather than having me get up at 1:30 in the morning to take him back to his truck 25 miles across town, we decided to end our weekend together short and return him Sunday night.

The next week I was very busy trying to get everything put away. I'm very OCD and boxes everywhere brings out my claustrophobia and makes it hard to breathe. I didn't get it all put away in 2 days like I usually do, but within 3 or 4 days, it was done. It was hard losing a 2-car garage and storage shed, but we did it.

The next two weeks were filled with continuing to finish up our school year, Adam's graduation ceremony, requirements, and party plans, as well as work on something for my 21st Anniversary with Tim. During this month, I still had bible studies to work on and attend, dentist appointments to make, Mystery Shops to do, etc.

The last weekend in May was great. I got Tim early enough on Thursday that we got done 99% of his usual "restock the truck for another 3 week trip" errands. I had time to finish up helping Adam get ready for graduation and see Logan off to work on the motorcycle from now on. The graduation day on Friday was great. The morning was relaxing, we spent the afternoon together at Alice Cooperstown restaurant near the graduation, then when it was time for the ceremony, we went in, us 4 (plus Adam), Adam's girlfriend, Hope, Tim's parents, and Aunt Gail from Georgia. The ceremony was great and the speech by Congressman Trent Franks was very inspiring too.

On Saturday, we had Adam's party. Lots of great food, and friends dropped by all day, CJ (Logan's girlfriend), Davin, and Austin. It was fun, especially afterwards when we spent the afternoon listening to our boys play guitar and sing with CJ. Then Logan went to work, CJ left, Adam & Hope went out, Jordan got settled in for the night, and Tim and I were able to head out and finally see Iron Man 3!

It's been a great end to the month of May, and a great beginning to start off June.

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