Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Living Intentionally

     This year, I'm going to try to live intentionally. That means no more letting the days pass by, then later wondering where the time went. I'm going to try to make every day count for something, even if it's just a small thing.

     January's focus was on getting out of our rental situation and buy our own house again. In the almost 23 years we've been married, we've only rented for the past 3 yrs. and you know what? We're not cut out to be renters. I like to hang things on the walls. I want to add color to them too. I want to be able to hang curtains without needing the approval of other people. We found a great home that we're hoping to buy before the end of February. Paperwork is mostly done, we're already pre-approved, the inspection came back fine, and now we're just waiting for the appraisal to take place and come back at the right number, which it should.

     In February, I'm going to be focusing on writing and interpersonal relationships. I have a bible study I've wanted to publish for a long time, but only about 1/3 is on paper, the rest is in my head or needs some additional research. I actually got to teach it about 7 years ago to 50 women. It works, but to be duplicatable and sell-able, it has to be just as good, in a book, without me there. I want it so anyone can pick it up and run with it, even if they haven't ever read or studied the subject in the past.

     I'm working in February on relationships - perfect for Valentine's Day, right? I want to make the effort to call my friends and family, have lunch with people I enjoy spending time with, and figure out who will be the first few people to invite over to the new house for dinner. Part of this involves being a good listener, remembering their truth may be different than mine, but that's okay. I also am continuing to work at being a non-reactionary person. I'm there 99% of the time.  I just have to get that extra 1% so I can be like that all the time.

     The boys are now grown. They'll be 21 and 19 in just a little over a week. Can you believe it? Even though I spent every day with them because we homeschooled, the time went by too fast. I can't imagine how fast it must seem for those Moms who have to (or choose to) work and send them to school. I would've lost so much more time with them. I only have another year with my daughter after this school year. Then I won't be their teacher anymore. It's been who I am and what I knew was my destiny for so long. It's a bit scary wondering what life has in store for me next - so I'm choosing the answer to that, intentionally.

     To celebrate the boys' birthdays, and our 23rd anniversary, we're doing a cruise with the boys. Just a few days out of Los Angeles, hitting Catalina Island, and Ensenada, Mexico. It's the trip Tim and I did last year but the boys wanted to do it too. It was fun before, so we'll do it again. It's not that expensive and we already know our way around the boat. We don't go until May when it's warm. My daughter didn't want to go on a boat in case she hates it or gets seasick, and she's not an outdoor type of person anyway.   She'll go to Boston & NH with me this summer for her birthday. We're going to get to meet my new niece and watch a Red Sox game with my 93 year old grandmother who loves baseball. We're SO looking forward to it.

     Tim will get to vacation in August when he heads back to New England for a Guy Cousins' week long trip with hunting, fishing, camping, water toys, etc. It'll be great for him to reconnect with his guy cousins for stuff like that. I'm really happy for him to get the chance to do it.

     So as you can see, we've got quite a bit planned for this year - BECAUSE I want to live it intentionally. What will you do this year?

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