Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Week 11 - It Got Real (stressful)

     So here I was, gliding along doing THM when out of nowhere, life hit me!  I won't get into details, but I had stress coming from each of my 3 young adult, living at home kids - none of which was because they screwed up. Just wanted to be clear about that. They all were just doing or going through stuff at exactly the same time and as their Mom, it was a lot of stress for them.

     On top of that, my husband is only home a few days a month, and this time, he came home a day early. I LOVE when he gets home early, it just meant that I had one less day to tidy up loose ends so I could spend his home time with him and not running around taking care of the house and doing errands.

     Did I mention we also had just a few days to find, finance, and purchase a car? With him heading back out so quickly, my husband has a very short window to get things like this done. We don't have the usual, "We'll start the process, get back to you in a few days, and then we'll go from there."  It has to be done, and done now.

     All this, in addition to the stress in my own head and life, caused a weekend of bad choices regarding THM.  I spent hours on two separate days looking at cars and sitting at the dealership. I missed my snacks so was ravenous by mealtime. It was a really hot Arizona summer day, about 108, so leaving things in a 200+ degree car wasn't an option (coolers don't even work well after 6 hours in that heat). So what did I do? I stayed mostly on plan, but...I had a few drinks on one night, I ate boxed candy at the movies when all the car stuff was over. I ate white bread toast with butter - even though I know not to mix my carbs & fats like that.  I ate Pringles for supper on the worst night. I even ate a tube of mini M&Ms somewhere in all that. I felt guilty. I felt awful health-wise compared to how I feel when I eat wholesome food on plan. What would the scale say?!  I dreaded Monday morning when I normally weigh in. The sugar cravings definitely came back, and I've been so happy up to this point finally breaking free from them.

     Here's why I love THM, well, one of the reasons, I weighed the same on Monday morning! I did manage a few on plan meals in all that so it was pretty forgiving. I did go up by a pound or so a day later, but I'm back where I was before the weekend already. I immediately got back on plan Monday, sticking mostly with all THM cookbook recipes and less "freestyling" my own meals. I drank a slimming drink they share. I was a bit bloated from the sugar and wheat for a few days, but that seems to be gone now too. Trim Healthy Mama is such a wonderful program. It's healthy, forgiving, and normally if you find yourself eating off plan, you can just jump right back on 3 hours later at the next snack or meal. You just don't want to do a whole weekend like that, like I did, but life happens, and I'm real with you. The sugar cravings did stick around for about 3 more days, and that sucked, but it's over already. I found myself wanting chocolate and doughnuts for the first time in months. Glad it's over.

     This week, I made a few snacks ahead of time that are Fuel Pulls, meaning they have very few calories, carbs, & fats - like the Lemon Pudding recipe. This way, when I get hungry, I'm prepared. Fuel Pulls (FP) are great because they can be eaten alone, early if you can't wait til the next meal, or as a dessert after a meal - regardless of if you had an E or an S meal.

     Back on track, I'm ready to really focus on being careful for the next 5 or 6 weeks before our cruise. I know I'll be eating off plan during that 2 week trip (driving there/back, cruise, 1-2 days in TX). It's a LIFETIME eating plan, so I don't worry about it. I know a year from now, I'll be better off, healthier, trimmer, adding years to my life, and one meal, one weekend, one vacation won't change that. Have a great weekend.

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