Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Friday, December 30, 2016

Preparing for 2017

     I know many people hate making New Year's Resolutions, especially because about 60 days in, they have no idea which ones they made. That's okay, but if you'd like to have a little better focus to your time this year, here's an idea to get you started in different areas of your life. Use the ones that apply, skip the ones that don't:

1.  Spiritual     What would you like to do to focus on your spiritual life this year? Is there a particular book of the bible you want to read? Want to attend a conference/women's conference? Do you want to sign up for a new bible study or a small group in someone's home

  • 2.  Family     What would you like to do to focus more on family?  Plan a trip this year to see long distance relatives? Plan a weekly/monthly family day to do something together? Is it trying to get your family to all sit down to dinner together on Sunday nights? 
  • 3.  Friends   Could you plan to have lunch once a month with a different friend all year? Could you plan on vacationing either with a friend, a group of friends, or at least include a stop to visit with them during your vacation? What about sending written letters/cards like "in the old days" to stay in touch?
  • 4.  Finances     This one is harder because life causes unexpected things that throw finances off track, but could you plan to put aside 1/2 to 1% of your paycheck if you aren't already saving anything each week? Could you change something to save an amount per month (turn the heat or a/c down by a few degrees, quit smoking, go to the discount theaters instead of seeing new movies in their first weekend, buy store brand instead of name brands on a few items each week, etc.)?
  • 5.  Mental Health     What do you do to make sure you don't feel burnt out? Most people do nothing for this. Could you plan one day a month for a few hours to be alone? To sit or walk in a nice park? Could you take time to read a few books next year? What about a massage from a massage therapy school where it's cheaper because students are learning and practicing techniques on you? 
  • 6.  Learn a new skill     Ever want to learn a second language? Learn to work on a car? Learn to do something in the home or yard improvement category? There's so much info. out there between libraries, You Tube, books, and the Internet - it's easier than ever - and you may learn something that leads to either saving money by doing it yourself or get you a better paying job by speaking that second language. 
  • 7.  Physical Fitness     If you have time to workout at a gym, then by all means, sign up and do it for your own health, but if not, maybe just agreeing to begin walking a few days a week would help. You could clear a space to follow a DVD in the privacy of your home. Finding a friend or neighbor to buddy up with helps because of accountability - you're more likely to show up to walk or work out if you know someone's waiting for you.
Here's just a few ideas to get you started! Good luck.

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