Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Living Simply October Challenge: Day 10 Handling It

     This holiday season, no matter how well you plan, stuff is going to go wrong, plans will get messed up, and life will find a way to stress you out from time to time. Today's challenge is about putting into action a few things that will help you keep your head calm when the storms come. I will challenge you to begin new little baby steps, new habits, that will make all the difference in the midst of chaos. Here's what you can begin doing today:

1.  Accept the fact that things will get crazy sometimes. If you expect everything to simply work itself out, you're in for a lot of disappointment. There's no way everyone's life can coexist, and everyone gets their way. It's just not a possibility. Everyone has different motives, timelines, good and bad habits of their own, family issues, job related problems, cars break down, airports cancel and delay flights, ...Just know it's going to happen and be ready.

2.  Let go of perfection. Even when you do everything right, even when you're prepared, stuff happens. Let go of the minor things that keep you from living a simple life. Don't let little pet peeves get to you. Don't expect perfection in others - nor from yourself. Stop worrying if things were done exactly as you would do them. Don't micromanage people or things. Just learn to let go of the inconsequential things. Focus on the big stuff - let go of the small stuff. Start today. It will make the holiday season much easier and less stressed out for you.

3.  Breathe. Relax. Breathe again. You will have moments that you're heart is beating faster than it should, your mind's racing, you feel the/your temperature rising, you feel your anger and stress levels rising...that's exactly when you need to step away, take a deep breathe, relax your mind and heartbeat, and breathe a deep breathe again. If you need to step into another room, or away from the phone or computer, or even step outside - do it. Not doing it will cost you so much more in the end. Refocusing your life - taking a moment to get centered - takes a huge portion of the stress out of the way so you can think more clearly and be more calm before tempers flare. Start today when you feel stress getting to you. Stop. Breathe.

4.  Be IN the moment. This is an especially crucial challenge to begin immediately. Don't just let time pass you by. You've got to be IN the moment when it's happening. Remember to stop and look around, really listen if you're with someone else. Smell the scents of the holidays. See the festive lights or decorations around you. Remember to focus on what's truly important. Build relationships. Listen for the gentle sounds around you. Don't just tune it all out. Part of living simply is intentional living, and that means intentionally planting yourself in whatever moment you're in. Make it count.

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